The College Corner of our site gives helpful links and resources for college planning. Please use the links to the left to navigate this page. We are currently working to make updates to this area of our website, so please continue to check back for more information. Here's a few thoughts to get you started!
College Rep Visits at West Perry
Sign up to meet with College Representatives on Flextime Manager. Search #collegemeetandgreet.
Big Future
Click below to access Big Future, an excellent college planning tool, created by The College Board. Big Future
Virtual Campus Tours
Virtual Tours is used by over 30 million students to "visit colleges" while savine time and travel expenses.
College Score Card
College Scorecard is an online tool, created by the United States government, for consumers to compare the cost and value of higher education institutions in the United States. At launch, it displayed data in five areas: cost, graduation rate, employment rate, average amount borrowed, and loan default rate.
Education Planner
Education Planner is one stop shopping to explore careers, colleges, financial aid, and scholarships.
In Like Me
In Like Me 's mission is to help students and parents navigate the road to affordable, high-quality, post-secondary education. To accomplish this, InLikeMe provides information, strategies, and resources on a wide range of college-bound areas including curriculum, entrance exams, finding the right schools, summer programs, community service, enrichment, student aid, scholarships, developing your “hook”, athletes, international students, and more.