In accordance with federal ESSA regulations, the state of Pennsylvania is to identify underperforming schools in the Commonwealth and require them to develop action plans to address student improvement. There are three classifications that a school may receive:
Comprehensive School (CSI): Schools facing the most significant challenges in academic achievement, student growth, and other areas.
Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (A-TSI): Schools in which performance by one or more student groups is at or below the level of the CSI schools.
Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI): Schools in which performance by one or more student groups is at or below state-established standards.
West Perry High School has been identified as an A-TSI school with the need to increase the Keystone Exam proficiency and graduation rates of students with disabilities.
The A-TSI plan was approved at the August 14, 2023 Board Meeting and approved by the PA Department of Education in September. Any questions about the plan or suggestions should be directed to Mr. Christopher Kasian, Principal, at [email protected].
WPHS ATSI non-Title 1 School Plan _ 2023 - 2024.pdf
More information about PA School Improvement and Accountability can be found at