Click here for "the scoop" on the PSAT and SAT: The Scoop
The PSAT is given once a year in mid-October. Students can take the test in both their sophomore and junior years of high school to better prepare themselves for the SAT Exam. All juniors take the PSAT free of charge and are "automatically" signed up. Sophomores should listen for announcements in early September and sign up in the Counseling Center.
The PSAT/NMSQT is the best preparation for the SAT Reasoning Test. Students in 11th grade who take the test and meet other program entry requirements may enter National Merit Scholarship corporation programs. Most importantly, the PSAT/NMSQT is a comprehensive tool that gives valuable feedback to the student and their school.
All students who take the test will receive an official score report. They will receive scores in Critical Reading/Writing and Math and will see how their scores compare to those of other students across the county. Through a question by question review of answers, students will be able to see which answers they got right or wrong. They will also receive a personalized statement of specific academic skills that need attention, along with suggested steps to improve those skills.
Students who take the test will receive FREE access to college planning resources, an online PSAT/NMSQT score report with projected SAT score ranges, state percentiles, and the power to sort, answer explanations by difficulty and question type; a customized MySATStudyPlan; a personalized list of colleges, majors, and careers. For more information, visit
SAT testing will be held at West Perry High School on the dates below. Or, you may take the SAT on any date it is offered at another local school. The list of schools can be found on the College Board/SAT website. We recommend that students take the test at some point in the spring of their junior year and again in October of their senior year if necessary. Students with financial need should see their school counselor to see if they qualify for an SAT fee waiver.
West Perry's test center code is 39243.
Our CEEB high school school code is 391225.
Register early. Most registration deadlines are a month before the actual test date.
For more information and to register, visit
SAT test dates at West Perry High School for 2022-23:
October 1, 2022
December 3, 2022
March 11, 2023
June 3, 2023
West Perry is not a testing center for the ACT. Students who will to take the ACT will need to locate a testing center and register for the test. The ACT test dates and registration information can be found at